
1. Pakistan and National Unity: A Dire Need

Pakistan is an Islamic country founded by the great leader Quid e Azam Muhammad ALi Jinnah. Are we really a promise-breaking and unfaithful nation? Allah Almighty gave us a great country in the form of Pakistan, which we call a miracle of Allah Almighty, but we could not uphold this miracle. We got this country on the basis of Kalima Tayyaba and two nation theory, one of our brothers Mr. Khalid who lives in Dewsbury always gets confused on the name of Pakistan, he always says which two nation theory, where is it in Islam. You should establish a separate state in the name of Kalima Tayyaba.

 The Rashidun caliphs always united the states and imposed Islam, we divided ourselves into divisions and now the attitude we have adopted is dismembering Pakistan. He asks “Is there Islam and democracy in what you call the Islamic Republic of Pakistan?”

Cause of Establishment of Pakistan:

The map of Pakistan today shows that we acquired this country to build our own palaces. We made Pakistan on the basis that Hindus did not allow us to be completely bound by Islam and we raised the voice that what does Pakistan mean in the name of Allah, it should have been that justice, equity and brotherhood was a collective color within us. An ideal Islamic civilization would have been separate from Hindus and Sikhs.

Islamic laws and Shariah were enforced in the country which in real sense was like the state of Madinah but everything is the opposite. I had no answer to what is happening in the country. Instead of the love of Islam, it was only obtained for the prejudice of Hindus and for their own economic and social benefits, although Allah Almighty has promised in the Holy Quran that if the people of these settlements would believe and adopt piety, we would bless them from heaven and earth.

Blessings and Islam:

It is a matter of thinking why these blessings could not be found in the country built in the name of Islam. Allah has fulfilled the promise and given a whole country, the largest country in the world of Islam, but not only from our plunder. Blessings have been lifted from this country, but peace has also been destroyed, the country is suffering from political, social and religious chaos, justice is the name of which bird, nobody has any fear.

Rule of People:

The country is in the grip of terrorism, everyone agrees that we will not be able to get out of these problems until the constitution and democracy rule in the country. It has been 76 years since Pakistan was formed. The democratic system could not be stabilized.  Today once again we are going to the elections. Real democracy requires that everyone should get a level playing field. It is called the rule of the people.

As long as the constitution and constitutional institutions are not respected, chaos will not end in the country. Every time there was a conspiracy against democracy and the constitution was violated, terrorism and chaos increased in the country. We need to learn from the past. East Pakistan lost, anti-national forces have embroiled us in internecine battles to break up the rest of Pakistan.

Our neighboring countries are looking at us suspiciously, after Afghanistan, relations with Iran have also started to deteriorate, due to the recent tension between Pakistan and Iran, where both countries will suffer, and there will be sectarianism within the country.

The need of the hour is that the rulers of the country should take these issues seriously, gather all the parties on one platform for national unity, show national consensus and moderation for the national interest of the country.

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