
1.Emergence of Israel

Israel is an illegitimate child of America. It is said that when the Christian commander who was guarding Jerusalem and the Al-Aqsa Mosque bravely and protecting the city of Jerusalem from the constant attacks of the forces of Sultan Salah al-Din Ayyubi, When the Sultan called him to negotiate for the handover of the city to the Muslims without shedding blood in order to maintain the sanctity of the Al-Aqsa Mosque and the lives and property of its residents, he asked the Sultan the last question after the terms were settled, what do you think about Al-Maqdas?

So Sultan Salah al-Din gave him a great historic answer, Jerusalem is everything to me, the importance of Jerusalem to the Muslims of the whole world is because the land of Palestine is the land of the Prophets. Before the revelation of 142-144, they have been praying towards the Al-Aqsa Mosque, and in this regard, the Al-Aqsa Mosque is the first Qiblah of the Muslims. Palestinians were called Muslims.

There was a Muslim majority in Palestine, but there were also Jews and Christians here and everyone was living together. After the Second World War, the Jews began to leave the areas under the control of Germany, and a large number of them went to the countries of Eastern Europe. At the end of the war, the Jews were given the status of an oppressed nation due to the war atrocities of the Nazi Germans, and the United States and its European allies planned their resettlement and the land of Palestine was chosen for this.

Settlement of Israel:

While the settlement started by bringing Jews from Europe as part of this plan, from the very beginning, with the support of the United States and Western states, these new settler Jews dispossessed the Palestinians, who have been living here for thousands of years, from their own ancestral land and property. They started occupying by force and thus a new Zionist state “Israel” was established within the Palestinian state.

It should be remembered that this is the same state that the founder of Pakistan, Hazrat Quaid-e-Azam, called “the illegitimate child of the Western world and vowed never to recognize it”. They kept satisfying the rest of the world and especially the Arab world by saying a state solution, but in reality they kept on strengthening Israel and fully supporting its illegal occupation and the increase of force and atrocities on the Palestinians. It will not be wrong to say that they have been doing it till now.

In this illegitimate state, when it was the turn of the Palestinian state, the real owner of this land, a map of a small region called the West Bank and a small strip called Gaza was brought out to show the world. The poor, helpless Palestinians reluctantly accepted the plan and founded their own small self-governing state in the region.

But even this autonomy was not digested by Israel and it continued to forcibly evict the Palestinians living within its Palestinian state from their homelands and settle Jews there. Unnecessary and cruel restrictions have been imposed on Palestinians, especially residents of Gaza, and thus have literally made their lives miserable. In particular, nearly two million residents of Gaza were virtually besieged, resulting in the October 7, 2023 attack by Hamas, an armed resistance organization against Israeli atrocities, against Israel’s decades-long atrocities.

In response to the attack by Hamas, under the pretext of self-defense, the occupying Zionist state has so far completely destroyed almost 50% of Gaza and made the rest uninhabitable, and without a doubt, its target is Hamas and the common people of Gaza, which proves that the Zionist state wants to make this small region a part of its illegal state sooner or later. As a result of Zionist atrocities, more than 25,000 Palestinians have been martyred so far and there are more than 100,000 wounded for whom there no hospital is left in the Gaza Strip.

The hospitals that still exist in any form are running out of medicine and other facilities. As a result of the Israeli bombing, more than 10,000 innocent Palestinian children are also included in the list of martyrs. More than 12 million people are under the open sky and are moving to avoid the Zionist bombardment; the tragedy is that the Muslim countries that have modern weapons and large armies are helpless to help these helpless people.

The first Qibla is desecrated by the Zionists every day, but these countries are afraid to speak on it. The Palestinians have been raising their hands and trying to arouse the honor of the rulers of the Muslim countries, but it seems that 53 countries have sold the Palestinians and the First Qibla to Israel. The truth is that after the Second World War, now the world may not have seen such cruelty, but it is forbidden that any Muslim country, any Muslim leader has shown eyes to Israel or the few countries that support it.

The Palestinians are still waiting for a Saladin, but perhaps they don’t know how important their lives will be to the ruler who could not assert his right to the first Qibla. At this time, the reality is that if the Zionist state of Israel and its allies are the main culprits in the ongoing genocide of Palestinians in Gaza, then the rulers of 53 countries must be co-accused.

Now, against the helplessness of the Palestinian people living in Gaza, the oppression and oppression inflicted on them every day, and against their genocide, I pray before the Lord and Creator of the universe that, O Lord of the Worlds, help these innocent people from the unseen. The servants and names are infamous, they are the heirs of the first Qibla, destroy the Zionists who oppressed them, open the hearts and minds of the Muslim rulers and give them courage and honor so that they can stop this unjust oppression or reduce it. At least you can raise your voice against it.

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