
Pakistan, the Hope of Palestine

Pakistan, the Hope of Palestine

In recent days, the most important statement in the current situation of Palestine is the statement of the head of Hamas, Ismail Haniyeh, regarding Pakistan. At a time when more than two months have passed since the Israeli offensive on innocent civilians in the Gaza Strip and the number of martyrs has exceeded 16,000, this statement is of utmost importance. With this statement, Ismail Hania not only expresses his disbelief and disappointment in most of the Islamic countries including the world, but also expresses his full confidence in Pakistan’s ability and capability. They know that the United States is currently supporting Israel in every possible way, because of which Israel, despite being a small illegitimate country, is committing violations of all international laws and rules of war. . Ismail Haniya, Hamas and the Muslims of Gaza have only hope in Pakistan in such a difficult time.

He said that we hope from Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala that we will destroy Israel’s latest weapons and defeat it in its evil intentions. He believed that if Pakistan, with its nuclear capability, threatens Israel with just one threat, then a ceasefire in Gaza can be possible. Pakistan is undoubtedly the fortress of the world of Islam, under whose siege the oppressed and helpless people of the world, Helpless Muslims feel safe. We Pakistanis have the pain of the world of Islam and the feeling of the Muslim Ummah.

History is a witness of the fact that when the Ottoman Empire was being destroyed and the Ottoman Caliphate was being abolished, the Muslims of the subcontinent started the Caliphate movement. At the Khilafat Conference in 1920, Maulana Abul Kalam Azad said, “Islam’s Shariah law is that there will be a Caliph or Imam of the Muslims in every age. The Caliph is meant to be an independent, Muslim king and ruler of the state who is the ruler of the Muslims and their people.” have full power to protect and promulgate and enforce the Shariat and be fully powerful to fight against enemies”.

He gave the example of Iraq and said that if a non-Muslim government wants to occupy it or want to bring it under its influence, it will not only be a problem of leaving the hands of an Islamic country, but it will spread disbelief in the Islamic land. So, in such a situation, the first duty on all Muslims of the world will be to stand up to free this possession. He further said that millions of Muslims have sacrificed their lives for Bait-ul-Maqdis and fought against the eight Crusades from Europe, so now it is the duty of the Muslims not to allow it to be captured again, and if this is happening, then this duty is only for those there. It will not only belong to the Muslim population, but to all the Muslims of the world.

Considering a pure religious issue, the first time to agree on one point were the learned scholars, the people of understanding, the experts in writing and speech, the pioneers of knowledge and thought, the scholars of religion and the world, and the Mujahid people who were active in the field of action. Khilafah movement was launched for the survival and long-term protection of the world. The truth is that Ismail Hania is saying the same thing that he is feeling about Pakistan.

The invasion of communism in Afghanistan by the Soviet Union and the nefarious desire to establish its dominance over the independent Afghans ended after a 10-year long struggle of the Afghan Mujahideen, but all this was possible due to the financial, moral and military training provided by Pakistan. . Many “liberals” try to tarnish the reputation of this war by calling it a war waged on America’s emirates instead of Jihad. They deliberately ignore the historical fact that for two years in the beginning of this Jihad, Pakistan under the leadership of General Zia-ul-Haq only supported with its own resources.

Two years later, due to Ziaul Haq’s insight, understanding of the matter and high diplomacy, the United States, Saudi Arabia and other countries, seeing the signs of success of this jihad, repeated their aid. Only two years later, countries wanting to humiliate the Soviet Union started knocking on the door of Pakistan. He was ready to give all kinds of support to Pakistan in this Jihad against the Soviet Union and thus Pakistan defeated one of the world’s superpowers with its superior strategy. On the contrary, President Musharraf, with his unilateral cowardly decision, not only sacrificed 80,000 Pakistanis in the war of independence, but also made such decisions due to his fear of the future, due to which the Pakistani passport was humiliated and disgraced around the world, and the Pakistanis were declared as terrorists. Due to the wrong policies of President Musharraf, Pakistan suffered such global isolation that India is still taking its interest. Whether it is the problem of Bosnia or Rohingya or somewhere Muslims are in trouble, everyone hopes for Pakistan because it is the only Muslim state in the world that was established on the basis of Islam, so it will be the source of their pain. The caretaker government, unaware of Pakistan’s 75-year-old policy on Israel, repeatedly mentions the two-state solution, which is in fact a tacit recognition of Israel.

Quaid-e-Azam had declared the Israeli state as an illegitimate child of Europe and made it clear that Israel will not be recognized in any way. The problem of Palestine cannot be seen separately from religion because it is the problem of the entire Islamic world. The land of Palestine belongs to Muslims! The concept of creating a separate state for someone else is also unacceptable. The protection of the First Qibla and Al-Aqsa Mosque is obligatory on all Muslims. Hamas is the organization of Palestinian Mujahideen which is currently representing the entire Ummah and their aim is not a ceasefire in Gaza but only to stop the bombing of the civilian population because the cowardly Israel would rather not fight the Mujahideen of Hamas on the battlefield targeting Palestinian citizens.

Now is the time for the world of Islam, especially Pakistan, to openly clarify its position on Israel and contribute to this duty.

تری دوا نہ جنیوامیں ہے، نہ لندن میں
فرنگ کی رگِ جاں پنجۂ یہود میں ہے

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