
Follow Japan as Role Model

Follow Japan as Role Model

An elderly man began to tell stories of Samurai kings, how the Samurai were raised and trained, what they ate and how they fought. He was going to explain in detail, 90% of the words were not coming to me, his language and words were getting old but I was still listening contentedly, at the end of the lecture he started asking me questions, his first question was “What is the population of Pakistan?” I replied “we are 25 crore” he repeated in surprise “250 million people oh my god” he kept repeating the figure of 250 million for a long time and then stopped and asked “And how many of them are young?” I replied “65 percent”. “His astonishment grew and he looked at me with wide-eyes while I stood and smiled, he came out of surprise. And he asked the last question that blew my mind, he asked, “Why are you still poor?” The population is 25 crores and 65% of them are youth and yet we are poor. Isn’t it amazing, shouldn’t we mourn it? After all, what is the difference between Japan and us? Has nature given them special land and weather or sent them with big brain and big body? And we are smaller than them in height, weight and mind and our soil is not soil, the sun is not the sun and the weather is not the season and our water is less wet and the sun is less sunny. No, but if it is said that nature has blessed us more than Japan in terms of climate, land, area and manpower, then it will not be wrong.

Japan has earthquakes every day, there are volcanoes under it and these volcanoes will blow up the whole country at any time, secondly it is the only country in the world that has suffered two atomic bombs and it couldn’t build its army in 78 years, neither did the SCA, the Air Force or the Navy, and it still pays the U.S. every year for its security. But it is nevertheless the fourth economic power of the world, its financial reserves are 1117 million dollars and it trades 1500 billion dollars every year while we are lying on the ground for a billion dollars? Why? Because Japan is aware of its potential while we are not aware of our strength, we have made 250 million people beggars.

There is no country like Japan in the world. If we want to change our country, we don’t need to learn from any other country. Go to Japan and implement Japan’s model in Pakistan. At the end of which Japan sits, the Japanese have not fought a country since 1945. They have ideological and border disputes with China and Korea, but they have not allowed to break the trade and diplomatic relations with them even today, their borders are open with them as well, while we have been fighting both outside and inside since 1947.

We are not happy with our neighbors and with ourselves, and what was the result of this fight? And today that result is coming out and the first lesson of Japan is that you have to fight as much as you want, just fight once, drop the atomic bomb and if you want to be eaten then do it but in the end you have to settle for peace. So it will be better if you do this today. Fix relations with neighbors and stop fighting completely and then focus on nation building and economic development, the country will change. The moral standards of the Japanese nation are perfect, these people spend their whole life in the same company, they will do it until death whenever they work, they will not leave the company and the institution, after the retirement, they will work again in this company for half salary. The organization also does not take unfair advantage of the loyalty of the employees; it takes care of them till death.

In Japan, salaries are determined according to the responsibilities of the employees, if the employee is single, the salary will be lower, if he is married and has children, the company will automatically increase his salary. These people are also skilled, schools and colleges send them to be skilled and institutions continue to increase their skills, the whole country is bound by time, it is not possible if the train or bus is late, people are also on time. The possibility of not coming to office or school is also zero. . The whole country is a masterpiece of humility and reluctance, the person you address will bow and stand with folded hands. You won’t find any strained necks or stilted accents in the whole country, people live in small houses, and the owner of Honda Co. owns a house of only 16 Marla and also cleans his own house.

 An entire city is named after Toyota, the world’s largest automobile company, completes a car in a minute, but its owner also lives in a small house and you will find him by bending over, there is no horn sound in the whole country, you can go anywhere and you will not hear the traffic noise. It feels like Japan’s engines don’t make a sound, cars don’t honk, construction doesn’t even make noise, you don’t know and a twenty-story building is going up in your neighborhood.

The driving license is very difficult and expensive, the fee is more or less 100,000 yen and it is taken away for the slightest violation and even the prime minister cannot restore it. These people clean their own houses and cars. Even in offices. We will clean by hand, we had to do “bag wrap” at the airport, the time was written at 7 o’clock in front of the machine, a woman came at half past six, she removed the cover from the top of the machine, completed all the other accessories and three minutes to seven o’clock. First got to the machine and it started working exactly at seven o’clock and this is a small example.

If you go to any place in Japan, the time written in front of the office will open at the exact time and close at the exact time. Their food is also very simple and small. The Japanese eat rice. The difference between their rice and our rice is that our rice cannot be eaten without curry while Japanese rice is laced and can be eaten plain. Japan still doesn’t have cable, antennas are on the roofs, there are only 9 TV channels and they broadcast less political and more social news, Japanese people prefer reading more than TV and social media, even today Yemiuri is the most published in the world and everyone buys and reads it, there are regular book plazas in Osaka and Tokyo and they have books from all over the world, they are very caring for children. Seeing them, the traffic would stop. It is necessary for children to raise one hand in the air when crossing the road so that the drivers can see the child. These people don’t go clubbing on New Year, go to temple and start the New Year with prayers, eat ice cream in fever and get well. Women are very loyal to their husbands so the divorce rate is very low.

The Japanese are also business friendly, they don’t allow any business to be closed, in Osaka city, the government had allocated a 15 km area by the sea to three big business groups, these three together settled a new city there, this area is called Sangya, it means three.

If this mistake had happened in Pakistan, today the three families would be in jail with the allowing authority and the whole country would be abusing them, whereas in Japan such people are considered benefactors and given awards, so my advice is to just Copy Japan, we too will cross or we will end up traveling in the same circle.

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