
Purpose of the Martyrdom of Hazrat Imam Hussain (A.S), Shahdat e Hussain aur Muslim e Umma,

                          Purpose of the Martyrdom of Hazrat Imam Hussain (R.A)


The Quran says: “and we will keep testing you, with some fear and hunger, and with some loss of wealth and production, and give the good news to those who are patient (Surah al-Baqarah). The Islamic history testifies to the fact that the trials mentioned in this verse, the grandson of the messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) passed all these tests at once. Hazrat Imam Hussain (R.A.) faced every test in the plain of Karbala for the sake of the survival of the religion of Islam. He destroyed his house, sacrificed his faithful companions, saw his loved ones dying of hunger and thirst, saw them slaughtered and trampled on their bodies. They even sacrificed their sanctity, but they did not lose their determination. Imam Hussain, the martyr of Karbala, who endured these great sufferings for the protection of the religion of God, Shariat Mustafavi ﷺ and human values, was blessed with such victory and success that today every nation, every age, every human being bowing his head in front of the majesty of Hussain.

اک پل، بس ایک پل تھی حکومت یزید کی

صدیا ں حسین رضی اللہ عنہ کی ہیں، زمانہ حسین کا

(Yazid’s government was just for one moment

The centuries belong to Hussain, the era of Hussain)

What happened to those who touched the extremes of patience? The promise of God, the greatness and nobility of Imam Hussain, may Allah be pleased with him, has been revealed all over the world. The hadith of the Prophet is: Hussain (RA) is from me and I am from Hussain (RA). Allah loves the one who loves Hussain (RA). What great rank did Allah give to Hussain Ibn Ali (R.A.) that the creator of the universe is declaring his love not only for Hussain (R.A.) but also for those who love Hussain (R.A.)? Not only in this world, but also in the Hereafter, the Prophet (peace be upon him) declared Imam Hussain (RA) as the chief of Jannah.

Today, every conscientious person considers Hussain as his leader, every freedom fighter is inspired by the character of Hussain, and every deprived and oppressed person considers it beneficial to associate with Hussain. . The dignified and honorable life of Imam Hussain (RA) is instructive for the history of the valleys. Hussain’s blood is the red on the forehead of religion and Shari’ah, the hardships of his family’s imprisonment and imprisonment are the cause of humiliation for the enemies of religion and the reason for the pride of humanity following your sacrifice. The angels of heaven are amazed by your patience and courage. The mapping of a personality is done by its most prominent features, purity and sincerity and ascetic piety.

It is narrated from Hazrat Abu Huraira that we were performing the Isha prayer with the Rasool ﷺ. When he prostrated, Hasan and Hussain rode on his back. When the Prophet (PBUH) raised his head from prostration, he gently held the two princes from behind and made them sit down. When he completed the prayer, he made them sit both on his blessed knees. (Musnad Ahmad). Nana had performed long sajdah for Hussain, while paying off his grandfather’s debt; he cut off his head in Sajdah Khaliq and gave Sajda Ma’raj.

Muharram al-Haram has stories of sorrows and sufferings hidden in its feet. This month has a special relationship with grandchild of Rasool al-Shaqlin, Prince Kunain  Hazrat Imam Hussain. Those who, with the spirit of Sadiq, embraced martyrdom along with their 72 martyrs in order to strengthen and perpetuate the message of their forefather, the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him. By laying the foundation of the divine school, he gave practical lessons to human beings. Your historic revolution was not for political status or financial gains. Your purpose was to take the life of the Ummah out of the pit of error and misguidance and to bestow wisdom and guidance for salvation.

He stayed for this reason, so that by reforming the Muslim Ummah, they would fulfill the duty of commanding the good and forbidding the wrongdoing, and the word of God’s sovereignty would be exalted. Therefore, in Bihar al-Anwar, the purpose of the stay of Imam al-Maqam is mentioned in this way: I am staying not to create conflict and division, but to reform the nation of Nanaﷺ, to enjoin what is good and to prevent evil. Your aim was to promote life among the nations with good intentions and sincerity. This is why humanity can never forget you.

Hazrat Hussain, the grandson of the Messenger of Allah (Peace Be Upon Him) Jigar Gushay e Ali and Batul Imam Aali Maqam, stood up against Yazid and the dictatorship in order to fulfill his responsibilities and said that indeed, I consider death to be happiness and success and bowing down to oppressors is a disgrace. You challenged Yazid. On the 28th of Rajab, Imam al-Maqam left Madinah. He changed the Hajj to Umrah in Makkah on the 8th of Zawal-Hijjah and entered Karbala on the 2nd of Muharram.

The philosophy of Hussain’s martyrdom and its history can be understood in such a way that on the 7th of Muharram, water was cut off for the children and followers of Hussain, on the 10th of Muharram, in the hot desert of Karbala, he sacrificed 72 of his followers and followers. By offering sacrifices of souls together, Abraham’s sacrifice, which the Qur’an has called “Fadinaat Bazah Azeem”, proved true.

It is narrated from Hazrat Ibn Abbas that I was looking for the privilege of visiting the Holy Prophet (SAW) in a dream at the time of noon. He said: This is the blood of my Hussain and his companions. Narrator of Hadith says: We preserved that date in our mind, later it was found that Hazrat Imam Hussain (RA) was martyred on this date and day, on which Ibn Abbas had a dream. (Musnad Ahmad).

It is narrated on the authority of Hazrat Anas bin Malik that when the blessed head of Hazrat Imam Hussain (RA) was brought to Ubaidullah Bin Ziyad and placed in a bowl, Ibn Ziyad started hitting him with a stick (in his eyes and nose) and objected to his beauty. Hadhrat Anas said: Hussain Radi Allahu Anhu was the most similar to the Messenger of Allah (Peace Be upon Him) and at that time Imam Hussain Radi Allahu Anhu’s head and beard were dyed with Wasma. (Sahih Bukhari)

Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to kiss Hussain’s lips and cheeks, the oppressors continued to hit his lips with sticks. By enduring all the atrocities, Imam Hussain (RA) and the family of the Prophet (PBUH) saved the Muhammadan religion from the distortion of Yazidism. Imam Hussain, may God bless him and grant him peace, made it clear to the world that Yazidism and authoritarianism are divine in any era and in any place by rejecting every wish of Yazid and giving martyrdom to martyrdom for the pursuit of Islamic goals. And they never bow down to colonialism.

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