
Education and Pakistan

Education is the light that shows the way, medication that fixes and the key which opens all the entryways. The resources of man by birth can’t cope with the problems. The only resource that can make people learn is education. Education has been derived from the two Latin words “Educare” which means “to raise or control” and the other is “Educere” which means to draw out.

Education is the most important factor that transforms the fate of an individual, group, family and society. It plays a vital role in the development of a country. No nation can attain the level of development and enlist herself in the list of advanced countries without enhancing education. The nations which have status of The Developed educated their mass at priority basis. 

As for as Pakistan concerns, according to The Ministry of Federal Education and Professional Training the literacy rate of Pakistan is 62.5% which means that an estimated population 60 million people are illiterate. Unfortunately, in Pakistan, education is not given priority by people even governments. No political party has concern about education as they do not have any education promoting mandate in their political slogans. Since Pakistan’s emergence no influencing and effective education policies were devised, however, last two governments tried to manipulate some good steps to improve education. 

Education system of Pakistan has two sectors public and private. Public schools have low strength whereas private schools are Mafias. The private schools take education as a business tool. Education system of Pakistan is divided into following grades i.e., primary, middle, secondary, higher secondary, higher education, vocation or technical education. 

The education level of Pakistan is far behind from other countries even Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and India as they have better literacy rate. There are few causes that are pushing Pakistan back in education. poverty, parental approach, negligence of government authorities, poor education system, highly costing education, absence of same syllabus. Poverty is the major cause that keeps the children and youth away from education. The People have no money to meet their basic necessities. so how can they give priority to education. They should fill their bellies or give education to their children. To live in pathetic and miserable condition do not allow them to think about education. They require from government to provide them with basic necessities only. 

The another major cause is parents’ attitude. Parents prefer to earn livelihood rather than sending their children to seminaries especially girls. If they want to educate their children, they prefer to give education to their boys rather than girls. they think girls are Praya Dhun as they will get married in the long run. 

Government does not pay concentration on providing education. The government schools lack essential facilities e.g., negligence of teachers, lack of teachers, lack of infrastructure, long distance of schools, low salary package. There is no proper check and balance in schools by the government.

Our education system provides only students who learn their lessons by cramming. They do not have have abilities to sharpen their skills by utilizing their knowledge. It lacks technical education. Least vocational training is given to the students. There is lack of conceptual education. Our education system forces students to gain high marks. For this purpose, they focus only on number gaining approach. It is really difficult to enhance an effective education system in this respect. 

One of the major causes unequal educational syllabus. The private and public schools have different education syllabus. The private schools prefer to teach Oxford or any other prominent foreign syllabus rather than teaching government syllabus. The Pakistan Tehreek Insaaf government tried to bring same syllabus but the Maafias played negative roles creating hinderances.

These causes can be negotiated if government pay heed to following recommendations:

There should be same syllabus in all schools across the country. 

The teachers need to be paid handsome package.

An expert person is appointed as the Minister of Education so that he/she can absorb the problems and requirements.

Technical and vocational education should be provided rather than simple education to cope up with the existing poverty.

Free and less costly education is ensured at basic level to get enrolled more students at grass root level.

In the end, education is the mother of progress. The education in Pakistan is in poor status. if we want to be progress in all walks of life, we need to ensure rapid literacy rate otherwise we will not be able to raise our nation in the world as the progressed nation. The government, school authorities, parents and students should understand their responsibilities to make our nation strong and developed. Long live Pakistan!

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