
Golden words

The fact is that the more intense the impression, the fewer the words.  Even when there is great joy, a person cannot speak much, and even when there is great sadness, it is not possible for a person to speak much.  Those who continue to pour out rivers of words every day in the “sorrow” of religion and nation, they are only giving proof that they are behind in the grief of religion and nation. If a person is suffering from pain and suffering, then he keeps quiet, not that he should show the tricks of linguistic wrestling in the arena of words. When someone gets means and resources, a sense of self-confidence emerges in him. When you get power, you get pride. In the same way, miserliness with wealth, pride with knowledge, hypocrisy with popularity, and the psychology of exhibition with social respect are created. All these things are like weeds that eat away the virtues of a man. Every man should, therefore, become his own watchman, and when he sees any “weed” growing within him, he should uproot it. A person who does not take account of himself will surely perish in this world. He will be a field whose crops are destroyed, he will be a garden whose entire spring has turned to autumn.

What is called the Islamic system does not come into existence by any kind of political manipulation and it cannot be established by the logic of bullet and execution. Those who declare to establish an Islamic system with such actions are definitely either unscientific or insane. The Islamic system or the Islamic society comes into existence when a significant number of human beings will develop the mood to live under self-control.

These are the people who know how to live above complaints and bitterness.  Those who have the strength to ignore the things that are against them.  Those who realize their mistake immediately and are ready to admit it, who accept responsibility instead of blaming others.  Those who have the courage to act cheerfully on occasions of misunderstanding.  Who can see a person in terms of tomorrow instead of today.

Benjamin Franklin was not famous in his childhood, but later he became so famous that he was sent by the United States as ambassador to France. The secret of his success was that he learned from experience that people are very angry with criticism against themselves. He decided that I will never describe any fault of anyone. I will describe only the merits of each. This is the reason why a principled person is always the most hated and an unprincipled person is the most popular in the eyes of people.

A principled person always speaks the truth whether he is in favor of someone or against someone. Whereas the unprincipled man says whatever the occasion makes people happy to hear. The cost of saying what everyone likes is that he becomes everyone’s favorite. Wealth is not life. Wealth is a means of life. The importance of the resource is always of the second level. If there is life, then the resource is also important, and if there is no life, then the resource is not important. But people often forget this difference. They are so busy in acquiring the wealth of the world as if the wealth of the world itself is intended, as if the wealth of the world is another name for life.

The greatest killer of lies is time. You wait for the time to come and then you will see that time has more perfectly killed the temptation which you were only imperfectly planning to kill. Not even the worst beast knows how to plan to humiliate someone. He should humiliate someone and provide satisfaction for his pride.

Trap someone in any kind of trouble and see the spectacle of his trouble. It is only human who does this. God has created man with auspicious calendar, but man by his ignorance makes himself fall into the lowness of filth.

 One of the members of what became India’s first elected parliament after independence was Professor Hiran Mukherjee. After attending a session of Parliament, when he left Delhi for Calcutta, a strange condition came over him. The first class bogie of the high-speed train was passing through the southern part of Delhi carrying them. He saw that there is a series of shabby huts and dirty neighborhoods along the railway line which has gone far. They were deeply shocked to think that the revolution of independence has given a lot to a few lucky people but this revolution has nothing for millions of people. On reaching Calcutta, he wrote a letter to the former Prime Minister Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, in which he mentioned his impression, stating that when I passed through these slums of Delhi, I felt that if these people ask me what we got from your freedom, what answer will I have? Pandit Nehru’s reply to this letter of Prof. Hiran Mukherjee was one of the phrases that you are paying the price of your feeling.

The sight of millions of huts does not cause any trouble to an unscrupulous person, but the person who has a conscience will be tormented by these dirty huts in such a way that his soft ass becomes a bed of thorns for him. High humanity is always met with a bitter sip, while to become a lowly human requires nothing but superficiality and opportunism.

(A few excerpts from the book “Allahu Akbar” published from Delhi.) 

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